Nutrition and Fitness

Best Food for brain

Find out all about Healthy Brain Diet: A Comprehensive Guide

According to research, the rate of cognitive and memory decline in the elderly may increase drastically in the next 50 years. But the good news is that with a healthy lifestyle, you can still have an…

The Importance of Potassium in your Diet: Health Benefits and Food Sources

Understand the Importance of Potassium in your Diet

Potassium is crucial for your overall health and wellbeing, but its role is often underplayed. In fact, every cell in your body has potassium and life would be impossible with it. It plays a pivotal…

Liver Detox and Diet that Supports Detoxification

Learn about Liver Detox and Diet that Supports Detoxification

Your liver is an uncelebrated hero that fulfills over 500 functions each day without any complaints. It is kind of like your old school custodian. If the custodian stops clearing out the trash,…

Rejuvenate Yourself with Ash Gourd - The High Prana Food  

Rejuvenate Yourself with Ash Gourd, The High Prana Food  

You are what you eat! What you feed your body has a direct impact on not just the body but also the mind and soul and affects your life. If you eat food full of Prana or life force, it will give you…

Bracing Yourself in the Polluted World: A Complete Guide

Bracing Yourself in the Polluted World: A Complete Guide

Natural and man-made factors contribute to a highly polluted environment in India. Recently in Kerela, mother nature dumped over a 4000 billion cubic millimeters of rain leaving millions of people…