Nutrition and Fitness

Interval Walking

Interval Walking Is Better Than Simple Walking : Find Out More

Pleasant weather is here and you may be walking more to take advantage of the outdoors. So, why not ramp up your routine with spurts of fast-paced walking? This technique popularly known as interval…

the brain-gut connection

The Brain-Gut Connection – How you Belly Controls the Brain?

The next time you are down with the blues, don’t blame it on your job stress or a busy life, consider the gut-brain connection. Maybe you have not been nourishing the microbes in your digestive…

Sleep Apnea and Nutritional Deficiencies

Sleep Apnea and Nutritional Deficiencies

Mr. Raj is 40 years old, the delivery head of a Sleep Apnea and Nutritional DeficienciesSleep Apnea and Nutritional DeficiencieMNC and has a beautiful family. With loved and trusted people…

Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Polyphenols

Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Polyphenols for Gut Health 

PWhenever you are stuck in making some decision, you are always suggested to “go with your gut”. Well, it is the one thing that gives you an instinctive power and rightly so. Thanks to a whopping 40…

Fermented Food - The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Fermented Foods – The Good, Bad and Ugly

  Recently fermented foods touted as potent probiotics are making news, even though they are in fact anything but new! Fermented foods have been around for decades. For people living without…