Keeping Senior Citizens Safe During COVID-19
According to the global census, 70% of the people affected with coronavirus are above 60 years. Although much is still unknown about the COVID-19 disease, there is an indisputable fact amongst all…
The Role of Serotonin in Alzheimer's Disease
Past studies have denoted that people with Alzheimer's Disease have low levels of a neurotransmitter named Serotonin in their brains. This neurotransmitter governs your appetite, mood, sleep and…
An Holistic Way of Coping with Gout: Natural Remedies and Ayurveda
Popularly referred to as the “disease of kings”, Gout is a painful disease that has become common beyond the walls of the castle. It is a form of arthritis that many people suffer from and primarily…
How to Prevent Alzheimer’s : Neuroscience and Prevention
A common progressive disease that continues to threaten aged and senior people is that of Alzheimer's. On average, every one person in three is most likely to have Alzheimer's Disease. Characterized…
Four Simple Tips on Overcoming Old Age Loneliness
It is quite natural to feel lonely as you get older. As family members move out of the house and go far away, old friends leave the town and you retire out of work, loneliness is inevitable. In…