Building Lung Reserve with Pranayama
Did you know the lungs work relentlessly, fetching oxygen from the inhaled air to the blood? Breathing is the only function that we do both voluntarily and involuntarily. What will happen if the…
Plavini Pranayama – Steps, Benefits, and Contraindications
Your life is a reflection of the way you treat your body and mind. Therefore to obtain a blissful response from the body, we need to give the same level of attention to it first. And, the best way to…
Anulom Vilom Pranayama - Health Benefits and Practice
Meera was not in the best of spirits since past few months. She felt perpetually fatigued and her concentration level had sunk to an all-time low. Hectic work schedule along with lack of sleep and…
Pranayama- Breathe Your Way to Health
The Science of Breathing right: Do you find yourself brooding over things a little too much? Do negativity and restlessness loom large over you and you cannot seem to concentrate on one thing? If…