Nutrition and Fitness

Identifying Nutritional Deficiencies

Identifying Nutritional Deficiencies Through the Signs on Your Body

Your body provides you a wealth of information including signs that can serve as a symptom of an ailment. That’s why it becomes important for you to understand the language of the body and pay close…

The Science behind taste

Understand the Science Behind Taste and Healthy Eating

In a recent study, to explore how the taste of food is detected by the brain, an individual was served two cups of coffee which were the same. When consuming the first cup of coffee, the person felt…

sodium-potassium balance

Understanding the Importance of Sodium-Potassium Balance

Just like Yin and Yang, sodium and potassium work together to maintain a precision balance in your cells. While you find potaasium primarily inside the cells, sodium the other main electrolyte exist…

Inability to Digest Fat

Inability to Digest Fat Can Lead to Health Disorders

Fat is often misconceived as the villain. But did you know that it is more of an unsung hero, It is an essential nutrient that is vital for several functions in your body? In fact, 50% of your cell…

Should Diabetics Avoid Fruits

Should Diabetics Avoid Fruits? : A Complete Guide

Oftrepaeated advice for people with diabetes is that they should not eat fruits like mango, banana, berries or melon. But does this advice hold any good? According to a renowned nutritionist Michael…