Adulthood and Middle age

Adult Acne : causes, remedies and Ayurveda perspective

Adult Acne : Causes, Remedies and Ayurveda Perspective

Acne is not only the problems of teenagers. Adult acne is something that occurs even after you turn 20. Acne can occur after the teenage period and it can be more severe and painful. Research also…

Infertility crisis

Infertility Crisis : Causes, Solutions and Ayurveda Perspective

  Infertility crisis is in your face. In the last five years, it has increased by 20 to 30 percent and has started to affect couples living in tier-2 and tier-3 cities as well. The mushrooming…

Solving the weight loss puzzle

Solving the Weight Loss Puzzle: Understanding the Role of BMR, Body’s Set Weight, and Insulin

  Whenever we see a thin-looking person eat a lot, we can hear people saying, “Ah, he/she must have a great metabolism.”A common question might pop up in our minds, “What exactly is this…

Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver - Causes, Types, Symptoms, Prevention and Cure

Non-Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver (NAFL) About the size of a football, the liver is located below the right rib cage. It is one of the largest organs and processes foods into usable nutrients by the…

Tackle Cellulite with Ayurveda

Treat Cellulite with Ayurveda - A Complete Guide

  What is cellulite? Cellulite, also known as dimple skin, is normally found in regions such as your hips, buttocks, and thighs. The medical term for cellulite is edematous fibrosclerotic…