Adulthood and Middle age

Five Secrets for Staying Lifelong Healthy

Health Mantras - Five Secrets for Staying Lifelong Healthy and Fit

Rekha a mommy in her late 30’s is a doting woman who loves her family and a cheerful neighbor who loves to talk. She is a homemaker and her day is even busier than Mark Zuckerberg is what she…

men's health beyond 50

Men's Health Beyond 50 : A Comprehensive Guide

  Put bananas and money, in front of a monkey and it will choose bananas not knowing that money can buy a lot of bananas. In the same way, serve money and health to people in the same dish,…

Treat Dry Eyes, Myopia, Macular Degeneration & Cataract with Ayurveda

Treat Dry Eyes, Myopia, Macular Degeneration and Cataract with Ayurveda

Eyes are windows to the world. Shut them for a second and the whole world gets enveloped in darkness. Taking good care of your eyes is critical to keep your peepers in good health. However, in recent…

Impact of Estrogen Dominance

Ladies! Learn About the Impact of Estrogen Dominance On Your Health

We all know that a woman’s hormones affect her mood. Many men may find it difficult to understand and think that she is overreacting. But they must understand that a woman’s biology…

Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Naturally

Easy Ways to Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Naturally

Many people from across the globe, especially the working class, suffer from extreme tiredness or fatigue in their day to day lives. In this condition, they struggle to concentrate in their works and…