Eyes are windows to the world. Shut them for a second and the whole world gets enveloped in darkness. Taking good care of your eyes is critical to keep your peepers in good health. However, in recent times we have exposed our eyes to the strain of computers and handheld devices like never before. Eyes are not meant for such close work and it has led to an exponential increase in eye strain, dry eye, and myopia in adults and children. Young adults in their 30s and 40s are also getting affected with cataracts, which would earlier affect only seniors. If left untreated, cataracts can cause permanent vision loss.

Conventional eye care is restricted to prescribing glasses, contact lenses, LASIK (spectacle -removal) surgery and surgical removal of the clouded lens in the cataract surgery.

None of these methods work on improving the health of the eyes which could arrest the deterioration of the eyesight manifesting in an increase in eye power of children. Treat dry eyes, myopia, macular degeneration & cataract with Ayurveda. Ayurveda offers holistic relief to eye problems.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes have become quite common in computer users. When you work on a computer you stare at the screen and you don’t get to blink as many times as you would do otherwise. This leads to reduced moisture in the eyes. At a tolerable level it would cause irritation in your eyes and if the condition continues it can lead to significant inflammation and even scarring of the eyes.

Symptoms of dry eyes

  • Burning sensation
  • Heavy and tired eyes
  • Sore eyes
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Blurred vision

It may seem counterintuitive but tired eyes begin to water. So, if your child’s eyes water while doing homework or watching TV, it indicates that her eyes are tired and she is suffering from dry eyes. And, if you don’t act on it now, it will manifest in short-sightedness.

Treatment of Dry Eyes in Ayurveda

An ophthalmologist would advise eye drops for dry eyes, but Ayurveda views the disease from a different platform altogether. The first step in Ayurveda is to correct and balance the doshas. According to Ayurveda, eyes are the center of Pitta. Which is why like other Pitta doshas, it gets aggravated by stress and sleeplessness and mental exertion.

The first line of treatment in Ayurveda is Triphala eye-wash for strained eyes. Triphala is a balancing herb and it is used for relieving tired eyes. Boil Triphala in purified water, strain the liquid and use it as an eyewash. You can even drink the strained liquid. Being rich in vitamin C it will help improve your eye health.

For advanced cases of dry eyes, Ayurveda recommends therapies like Tarpan and Shirodhara.

2. Short-sightedness

Myopia or short-sightedness has become quite common in school going children. In fact, classes and glasses almost go together. According to Ayurveda, if a person is suffering from chronic constipation or cold s/he is likely to get short-sightedness.


  • Blurry vision
  • Unable to view words written on the blackboard

Treatment of Myopia in Ayurveda

The therapy begins with Triphala at bedtime to prevent constipation. Additionally, Triphala builds immunity which helps prevent cold and cough in children.

Another medicine for myopia is YashtiMadhu. A teaspoon of it is mixed with ½ teaspoon of ghee and honey. It is given twice daily on an empty stomach.

Kusum Varthi Anjana is prepared using sesame flowers, long pepper, common jasmine and black pepper. You need to dry these ingredients in shade and powder it. Take it twice daily to improve your eyesight.

Staying outdoors helps rejuvenate the eyes. It is proven by science that an exposure of at least 10,000 lux of sunlight for 1 at least 2 hours is good for the eyes. Eat freshly cooked foods. Use ghee while cooking as it invigorates eyes.

To know more about myopia read our article on childhood myopia. 

3. Age-related macular degeneration

Macular degeneration, often called AMD or ARMD (for age-related macular degeneration), is a chronic eye disease associated with aging that gradually destroys sharp, central vision in age 60 and older and it is one of the leading causes of legal blindness and vision impairment in senior citizens worldwide.


  • Reduced vision
  • Distorted vision

Treatment of AMD in Ayurveda 

Conventional treatment has little to offer for ARMD. However, Ayurveda has therapies like Netra Tharpanam which helps the patient in arresting the progressive deterioration of eyesight. The word Tharpanam means nourishment. In this therapy ghee imbued with medicines is used. A leak-proof retention rim is made around the orbits of the eyes with black gram. Then, warm medicated ghee is poured into this rim for a prescribed time and drained out later. After that, the area is cleaned with a wet cloth. Tharpanam continues at a stretch for a period of 14 days.

During the treatment period, the patient needs to avoid bright lights, TV, computers and follow a lifestyle as prescribed by the Ayurveda doctor.

4. Cataracts

Cataract is the clouding of the lens of your eye that impairs vision. It occurs when there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy. This prevents light from passing clearly through the lens, causing some loss of vision.


Advancing age is a primary reason for cataracts. Metabolic disorders like diabetes and hypothyroidism predispose the patient to cataracts. So does, excessive exposure to sunlight and air pollution.

  • Cloudy vision
  • Problems with light, including bright headlights
  • Frequent changes to your eyeglasses or contact lens prescription
  • Difficulty in reading
  • Faded colors
  • Poor night vision
  • Double or multiple vision

Treatment of Cataract in Ayurveda 

From Ayurveda’s perspective, aggravated Vata is responsible for the manifestation of cataracts. Vata has drying properties and when the lens of the eye loses its transparency, vision becomes blocked.

The treatment for cataracts in Ayurveda starts with intestinal cleansing. Hence, Triphala is the mainstay of the treatment. For nourishing the nerves of the eyeball, Ayurveda prescribes Maha Triphala ghee.

The foods recommended for cataracts patients are –
Cow’s ghee, milk, butter, rice, wheat, moong dal, banana, methi, spinach, grapes, pomegranates, apples, and oranges
They should avoid pungent, bitter, sour and salty foods. Cataract patients should stay indoors and in a moderate environment and try to avoid worrying excessively, anxiety and anger because it aggravates vata and pitta doshas.
Ayurveda is a holistic therapy and eye diseases are a manifestation of faulty lifestyle.

Ayurveda therapies are directed towards nourishing the body, mind, and soul and more often than not also arrest the further deterioration of the eyesight. Treat dry eyes, myopia, macular degeneration & cataract with Ayurveda for lasting solutions to your eye problems.

Treat Dry Eyes, Myopia, Macular Degeneration and Cataract with Ayurveda

Ways to prevent age-related degeneration of the eye

Treat Dry Eyes, Myopia, Macular Degeneration and Cataract with Ayurveda