Skin lesions and finding new skin lesions can be a cause of stress. Fortunately, most skin lesions are non-threatening and non-cancerous. Most of them are benign and these include:

  • Moles
  • Freckles
  • Skin tags
  • Benign lentigines
  • Seborrheic keratoses

The most commonly examined skin lesions for cancer are moles and any changes that they undergo.

Moles and the skin

Moles are small skin growths that are usually brown or black in color and can appear anywhere on the skin, single or in groups. Most moles appear in early childhood days of a person and continue till the age of 20. By adulthood, a person can have at least 10-40 moles. As the years pass moles change by either becoming raised or changing their color. Some might not change at all while some might completely disappear. Most moles are benign or non-cancerous. The only moles that can be the cause of concern are the ones that appear after the age of 20 and those which look completely different than the existing ones.

Skin Tag

A skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. They are usually found on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breasts or around the groin area. They usually appear in women with weight gain problems and also in elderly people. Skin tags are benign in nature and usually do not cause any problems other than becoming irritated while wearing clothes or jewelry.


These are usually tiny brown spots found all over the face and arms. They are extremely common and very often seen in people with very light skin tone.

Seborrheic keratoses

These are brown or black growths usually found on the chest, the back or on the head. They develop from a cell called the keratinocytes and they develop to look like warts on the skin.


These are spots that appear on those parts of the body that is most exposed to the sun. Some may be caused by genetics or any medical procedures which require radiation therapy.

Treating Moles, Lesions, and Skin Tags

There are many treatments for skin lesions. There are many harsh ways that you will find on the internet which might ask you to use nail polish removers or duct tape to remove moles and tags but do not fall prey to such immediate treatments as they might result in more damage than cures.

The conventional treatments used by dermatologists, depending on the size, growth, changes, and cause of your skin lesions would be:

  • Surgery: Removal with a scalpel
  • Cryotherapy: Freezing with liquid nitrogen and then removal
  • Cauterization: Burning of the skin tag done by a professional doctor
  • Laser removal: For minor skin tags this is considered a safe option
  • String tying: Using a sterile string around the base to cut off the blood supply

Home remedies for removal of skin tags 

  • Apple cider vinegar is used to treat warts, skin tags, eczema, and acne. It should always be applied with a cotton ball and not to be used if any irritation happens.
  • Oils like tea tree oil, castor oil, and oregano oil have antiseptic properties and the ability to kill fungal infections.
  • Garlic is often crushed and used effectively over warts and skin tags. It is not to be used if the burning sensation occurs.
  • Vitamin E has been used for generations to cure many skin issues.
  • Banana peels and papaya peels are also very effective in removing skin tags

Above all, the best home remedy to prevent future skin tags is to eat a high fiber and low sugar diet with plenty of healthy fats thrown in. This will keep the blood sugar levels in control. High insulin levels are primarily responsible for the occurrence of skin tags. 

Ayurveda and skin tags and lesions 

Medically there are a handful of methods to remove skin tags and moles. They might come back again or they may also cause injury if not handled correctly.

Ayurveda not only treats them medically by an external application but also with changes in one’s diet plans.

Ayurveda considers deficiency of potassium as one of the major causes of moles. So, one can increase the potassium intake by eating more Apples, bananas, mushrooms, kidney beans, tomatoes, spinach, kale etc. Including food rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E can cure a lot of skin ailments.

Ayurveda believes in capturing the root cause of each skin ailment, ranging from emotional stress to deficiencies. A wrong diet and lifestyle is the main cause for skin ailments.  Pitta is the prime dosha that Ayurveda looks at. It symbolizes heat and fire. Simple things like:

  • Staying away from stress and mental fatigue
  • Avoiding foods that increase the pitta
  • Maintaining a regular sleep pattern
  • Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises

Some ayurvedic remedies for skin tags and moles:

  • Application of amla, turmeric, and neem powders
  • Boiling neem leaves in water and washing the affected area with it
  • Applying fresh juice of apricot leaves on the area affected by eczema
  • Drinking wheatgrass juice as an effective way of cleaning the system
  • Aloe Vera, both applied externally as well as had in juice form has many health benefits.

It is best to avoid spicy, oily and sour foods as they aggravate the pitta. If the skin ailments are beyond your control and home remedies are not helping, visit an Ayurvedic physician.

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