Have you ever noticed something swimming in your field of vision? It may look like a tiny worm, transparent blob and whenever you try to get a closer look, it disappears. But, don’t go rinsing out your eyes! What you are seeing is a common phenomenon known as eye floaters.

The scientific name of these objects is called Muscae Volitantes, Latin for “flying flies”. True to their name, they can be somewhat annoying. In this article, know all about the causes, symptoms, and remedies for eye floaters in Ayurveda.

What are Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are not bugs or external objects that come and go. Rather, the problem exists inside your eyeball. Floaters are tiny objects that cast their shadow on the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye.

There might be bits of tissue, red blood cells or clumps of protein and because they are suspended within the vitreous humor or the gel-like liquid composition of your eye, they seem to bounce back and forth with your vision.

The closer they are to the retina, the more visible the problem. They are particularly noticeable when you are looking at any uniform bright surface.

What Causes Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters occur as a result of the following factors:


  • Aging and Age-related changes in your eyes
  • Diabetes
  • Deep Eye Infection
  • Injury causing bleeding in the eyes
  • Retinal Detachment
  • Inflamed eyes
  • Nearsightedness
  • Certain eye medications or surgery

Remedies for Eye Floaters in Ayurveda

1. Relax and Limit Screen Time

At times when your eye is strained, it can disturb the retina and lead to eye floaters. Hence take good rest. Limit your screen time with gadgets, TV, and cellphone as this can strain your eyes and lead to inflammation of the retina.

2. Hydration with Water and Juices

According to Ayurveda, eye problems generally occur due to vitiated Pitta dosha or the fire element in the body. Therefore cool down your Pitta by drinking more water. Juices of Beetroot, Carrot, Amla or Aloe Vera can be very beneficial as it contains several compounds like Lutein, zeaxanthin, antioxidants and Vitamin that repair any damage to the eye tissues.

3. Massage with Essential Oil or Ghee

Apply a drop of organic castor oil in each eye and leave it overnight. Then wash your eyes the next morning. Castor oil improves eyesight and alleviates inflammation in the eyes. Also applying frankincense oil above your eyebrows and across the top of your cheekbones will help to reverse retinal cell degradation.

In Ayurveda, Nethra Basti or administration of Ghee to cleanse your eyes is a great treatment for eye floaters. The eye is submerged in Ghee for about ten minutes and during this time all the dust, mucous and impurities come out and form a layer in the ghee.

4. Best Food for Eye Floaters

Eating a Pitta pacifying diet with nourishing and cooling food is important. Include green leafy vegetables in your diet. Also, get more omega-3 fatty acid in your diet as they are beneficial for eye health and help reduce inflammation in your eye tissues to a great extent. Nuts rich in protein and healthy fats and citrus fruits like oranges, kiwis and strawberries improve Vitamin C to accelerate healing naturally. Avoid overly salty and spicy foods, coffee, alcohol and include natural spices like ginger and garlic to stimulate digestion.

5. Eye Exercises

There are several eye exercises you can do to prevent eye floaters. For starters, blinking is very good as it produces moisture and soothes the eyes. Other forms of exercise include breathing, Pranayama, Yoga and meditation that help to promote eye health.

You can also try rolling exercises to roll your eyes in a circular motion. Else eye focus exercise or focusing on an object by moving it back and forth is recommended.

6. Ayurvedic Herbs for Eye Floaters

A popular herb that is used for treating eye floaters is Triphala that is a blend of three fruits. It helps by calming the Pitta and Vata dosha that is out of balance. It can be taken orally or applied to your eyes depending on the intensity of your problem.

Application of rose water as drops in your eyes are also great to cool down your eye tissues. Other beneficial herbs include Jatamansi, Ginkgo Biloba, Grape Seed Extract and bilberry extract.

Take care of your eyes and use natural remedies to eliminate this common phenomenon of eye floaters effectively. A holistic approach with helpful herbs and natural remedies will go a long way to curb the problem and prevent recurrences.


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