There’s much more that goes in your body than meets the eye. Metabolic reactions, communication between the brain and other organs all happen by the second. And, what are that powers these pathways and minute reactions that are vital to keeping us energized and alive?

All, such reactions and pathways need micronutrients to keep your biochemical engine running smoothly. The absence of micronutrients deprive the body of its vital functions and slows down in the long run leading to the progression of several diseases and health hazards. In this article, understand the importance of micronutrients for health and how you can maximize the absorption of these vital nutrients in your body.


What are Micronutrients?

Micronutrients are predominantly vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function optimally. They are compounds that your system can’t produce which is why you need to take them from natural food sources.

Though some micronutrients perform specific functions, others help your biochemical system broadly. They are critical for functions like production of enzymes, hormones, and proteins, regulation of enzymes, building up bone density, controlling heartbeat and maintaining your cellular pH or alkalinity.


The Importance of Micronutrients

You require micronutrients in small quantities for several key functions, but an absence of even a small dose of these micronutrients can result in progression of diseases. As much as you care about getting your share of macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, you also need to pay attention to whether you are getting your micronutrients of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.

Studies, today are telling us that most of the people across the world are not getting enough micronutrients. Even if you are not able to experience immediate symptoms of micronutrient deficiency today, you may soon begin to feel its effects with premature aging, inability to perform a function, chronic diseases, brain fog, depression and much more in the future.

In the words of two-time Nobel prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling  “Nearly all diseases can be traced to a nutritional deficiency”. The major cause of nutritional deficiency is the absence of micronutrients in your diet. If you doubt the danger of a single vitamin deficiency for your health, the thousands of soldiers who historically suffered from scurvy because of a lack of vitamin C will tell you otherwise.


Why Are You Not Getting Enough Micro-Nutrients in Your Diet?

Unfortunately, even when you think you are eating perfectly, you don’t get enough of these micronutrients in your food. A prime reason for this problem is that today, fruits and vegetables are grown in nutrient-depleted soil.

In addition, an unhealthy lifestyle contributes to an erratic eating style devoid of healthy vegetables and vital nutrients. Most of us don’t have the time to even cook, let alone, eat a serving of vegetable and fruit each meal of the day. Here are some reasons why you might be unintentionally speeding up micronutrient loss in your body:

  • Drinking too much caffeine, alcohol consumption and smoking leach precious micronutrients from the body
  • Taking birth control pills causes your body to jettison micronutrients faster than you can replace them
  • Engaging in extreme diets that don’t give you a wide-breadth of micronutrients
  • Over-exercise and too much physical activity deprives your body of micronutrients faster
  • Toxin buildup in the body due to improper digestion, chronic stress, exposure to harmful chemicals in health, body care products and conventional housecleaning products


Effects of deprivation of Micro-Nutrients on your health?

According to the Triage theory by Dr. Bruce Ames, the body produces a rationing response to shortages of micronutrients. This means that when a cell runs out of a vitamin or mineral, that scarce micronutrient is allotted to proteins (in the body) essential for short-term survival.

As a result, proteins needed for long-term health, including those that protect DNA, lose out and become disabled and lead to diseases of aging and other degenerative diseases. It is evolution and the need for survival that has equipped your body to this unique triage mechanism.

When there is a deficiency of micronutrients in our bodies, they are reserved for short-term survival and reproduction at the expense of disabling DNA repair, which increases the risk of developing a chronic disease in the long-term. Anytime we do not have enough micronutrients, we are paying a price in long-term DNA damage. If you want maximum life span, ensure an optimum supply of micronutrients. 


How to Get More Micro-Nutrients Naturally?

Taking supplements to make up for the lost micronutrients including essential vitamins and minerals seldom works. Your best bet for micronutrients supply is natural whole foods. Following a Three-Pronged Approach will help to maximize the concentration of micronutrients in your diet. Here are the three parameters that will help you get more micronutrients from your diet naturally:


  1. Insulin Load

The levels of insulin in the body is determined by the number of carbohydrates as well as proteins which tend to influence insulin production in the body. Insulin is the switch that determines excessive storage of fat in your body. Therefore, balancing the insulin load will help you to optimize carbohydrate, protein and fiber levels in your diet.

In addition, your body will also be able to breakdown and metabolize incoming micronutrients more easily.


  1. Nutrition Density

According to a renowned nutritionist Marty Kendall, “your diet does not need a name or belief system, all it needs is just enough nutrients”. Always choose a variety of foods each day with a rich nutrient density that is loaded with harder to find micronutrients. This will help you choose foods that are more satiating and nourishing to your body.


  1. Energy Density

Foods that are high in nutrient density tend to have a lower energy density and low calories. Prioritize on unprocessed foods which will have lower energy density over refined grains and oils which are easier to over-consume.

Each individual is different and your personalized nutrition should be based on your preferences, finances, culture, appetite and activity levels. Find the right diet packed with essential micronutrients based on the above three prime parameters. This will set the stage toward a healthier lifestyle and keep diseases at bay.



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