Temperance is not a term that is commonly heard. So, what does temperance mean? The dictionary definition of temperance is abstinence or not taking anything that will harm your body. However, there’s more to it and the second part of temperance is taking in good things or using wisely that which is good. In this article discover how temperance can provide your body optimal performance and keep you healthier.

Abstinence – Things that You Need to Avoid

Firstly, let’s begin to learn temperance by looking at the things that should not enter your system:

1. Sugar

This is referring to the pure crystallized acid that is extracted from the sugarcane plant. Just like heroin is to the poppy plant, this acid when extracted from sugarcane is just as lethal. Sugar has an indelible effect on the body by pumping up your blood sugar level instantly.

In contrast, the sugarcane has glucose that has a slow-release effect and is wrapped around the healthy fiber. Your brain prefers the slow release of sugar more than an immediate release.

If there is too much sugar in the blood, the brain triggers the release of insulin to send the sugar into the cell or storage. Now, blood sugar levels tend to drop drastically. Here, the brain again signals to stop the secretion of insulin and stimulates the release of glucagon. Also, this is where you start to get sudden cravings to consume sugary food.

As a result, it starts a vicious cycle of blood sugar levels going up and down so much so that your system starts to wear out and eventually develops insulin resistance.

2. Caffeine

In a book called Caffeine Blues, it has been explained in detail about the ill-effects of caffeine on the brain. Caffeine interferes with the brain signal relaying process by intercepting the neurotransmitters. The body produces a fight or flight response to caffeine by dropping the levels of the neurotransmitter called adenosine.

Adenosine is like the fuse box that helps to maintain a precision balance in the brain and now it goes out of control. Other neurotransmitters such as Acetylcholine and Dopamine tend to go up in response and start to fuel the brain’s reward system making you artificially feel good. Over time, this leads to an imbalance in neurotransmitter levels and eventually promotes the nervous system to go out of control.

3. Mercury

It is a neurotoxic compound that is the only liquid metal. In the USA, mercury was banned for about 150 years. However, in early 1900 the American Dental Association lifted the ban claiming it to be safe and now mercury is used in teeth fillings to help mold and set teeth.

Mercury tends to damage the myelin sheath or the outer covering of cell membranes which can eventually lead to adverse effects. According to a book named Solving MS Mystery, the author has clearly established a link between Mercury and Multiple Sclerosis.

Mercury can also get into your system through consuming Fish. As opposed to bigger Fish, small fish don’t contain mercury. It is also found in fluorescent light, burning of car fuel that gets into the air, certain paints.

4. Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol is another neurotoxic material and there is no safe dose of alcohol. It kills brain cells and is the most lethal for the body. Likewise, illegal drugs and tobacco have an ill-effect on every organ of the body by affecting the blood.

5. MSG

Monosodium glutamate or MSG causes the nerve cells on the tongue to over-fire. This is why it makes the food taste good and even if you put MSG in a lump of mud, it will taste good. It also causes nerve cells across the body to over-fire and creates an imbalance eventually causing the death of cells.

6. Chemicals

Lastly, chemicals have found a place in household items, cosmetics, and even food. Harsh chemicals are antibacterial and have the potential to kill microorganisms. However, you have more microorganisms in your body than cells and chemicals tend to endanger the good microorganisms in your body. Start reading the ingredient lists of the items you use on a daily basis to know the presence of these harsh chemicals.

Maintaining Moderation is a Good Practice

Finally, let’s discover more about temperance by looking at the things that should be taken in moderation:

1. All things Good

All good things also need to be taken in moderation. Even good things can become poisonous if overdone. According to a book named the Physiology of Digestion by Dr. William Bermont, the quantity of food is more important than quality. If you consume too much food, it takes a toll on digestion and the body just cannot deal with it.

2. All Work and No Play

This statement is also true the other way around – all play and no work makes Jack a dull boy too. Today, we have reached a strange time where we no longer teach our children to work. We tend to make them overly dependent on parents, servants, etc. and so they eventually refuse to do chores or don’t know how to do certain things. Therefore, encourage your child to do chores around the house right from their childhood.

At the same time, once you have taught them to work, you will have more time to play and engage with them. If you don’t teach your children to work, they will not develop a sense of accomplishment and you will also have more time for yourselves.

A Balanced Life

Education is power and being aware of what’s right and wrong for your body will go a long way to nurture your system and prevent diseases. Some people are not even aware of what’s wrong with the food they consume and only realize after they get affected by a health hazard. So empower yourselves with the right knowledge and maintain a precision balance in your life by practicing temperance.