More than a brain genetic disorder, that is simply blamed on the genes – Autism Spectrum Disorders is not just that. It is a systemic body disorder that affects the brain and triggers certain genes in children susceptible to this condition.

Statistics show us that rates of autism have surged over the years. From an estimated 1 in 3000 children, it has grown exponentially to a whopping 1 in 59 kids today. So, what has caused an increase of this magnitude?

Believe it or not, environmental conditions and lifestyle disorders are largely to blame. Read on further to understand the root causes of Autism and natural remedies to tackle autism.


The Root Causes of Autism

Every child with autism has unique genetics, causes, and triggers. And, it is usually not a singular cause but a collection of toxins and deficiencies coupled together with susceptible genetics that leads to a chain of reactions causing Autism.

Here are some common causes that lead to autism spectrum disorder:

  • Gluten intolerance – Gluten commonly found in wheat and several other grains is a common cause of digestive problems leading to the leaky gut syndrome. As today, kids tend to consume a lot of gluten through their food, it can compromise the gut microbiota and thereby cause disorders in the brain function.
  • Gut Microbial ImbalancesGut issues are common for people with autism. Estimates of how many autistic children have digestive problems run between 60% and 100%.The healthiest humans have a diverse ecosystem of good bacteria in the gut. Unfortunately many aspects of modern living today kill probiotics and crash your gut ecosystem.
  • Impaired Immune Function – The immune system overlaps between 70% and 85% with the gut. Virtually all people with autism have immune issues: allergies, asthma, warts, fungal toenails, sinus infections (with horrible mucous), chronic Candida, frequent or constant colds & flu, eczema, and so on. Autistic individuals who don’t have obvious immune issues all have high levels of inflammation due to a weak immune system.
  • Accumulation of Toxins – Prenatal exposure to environmental toxins during pregnancy are strong candidates for involvement in autism risk. Exposure to chemicals or endocrine-disrupting compounds during pregnancy and a child’s young age can contribute to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Moreover, the body is unable to detoxify effectively because of a lack of certain nutrients.
  • Malabsorption of Nutrients – A depletion of essential nutrients like amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acid occurs because the body is not able to absorb the nutrients from the food. This further aggravates the toxic burden in the body.
  • Stress and Trauma – Unprocessed negative emotions and chronic stress affect mental, emotional and physical health and functioning. A proper support system is essential for autistic children to recover faster and heal effectively. Often the body’s efforts to heal itself gets thwarted by a psychological blockage.

Tackling Autism with Complementary and Alternative Medicine

If you don’t address the above root causes of autism first, it will be like walking a tight rope, no matter how much therapies or medicinal treatments you take. At times, inexpensive, minimally invasive strategies and highly effective lifestyle changes may be all you need in order to fight autism:

1. Autism Diet

The diet for autism eliminates gluten and casein as they are highly inflammatory and a common source of digestive issues. The Autism Society recommends gluten- and dairy-free diet. Improvements may be seen in as little as one to three months. You can try eliminating gluten and dairy one at a time to see if it has any effect. Children on a dairy-free diet need not panic about getting calcium as they get it from non-dairy calcium-rich foods in their diet. Along with this, it is also recommended to avoid refined sugar.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These healthy fats are essential for brain development and function. Studies have shown that adding omega-3s to a child’s diet can improve hyperactive, repetitive behavior and improve social skills in children with autism.

3. Proper Sleep

Many children with ASD experience persistent sleep problems including waking up too early, poor sleep quality, restlessness or having difficulty falling asleep. This can further exacerbate the conditions of autism. Bright light therapy that involves exposing kids to bright blue light in the morning will help the body naturally release melatonin and aid sleep at night. Establishing a good sleep routine and avoiding gadgets before bedtime will also help in this regard.

4. Detox Therapies

Eating a healthy diet rich in proteins, antioxidants and vitamins will help the body to detox naturally. In addition, you can also schedule detox therapies like the Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies to flush out the toxic burden of the body.

5. Relaxation Techniques

Behavior problems are common in autism. Therefore relaxation techniques like doing Yoga, meditation, deep massage with essential oils before bedtime or during the day will be very helpful. Engaging autistic children in learning music, drawing, etc. will possibly open up their minds into creative avenues that will also help them relax and soothe their agitation.

  1. Herbs for Autism

Some herbs that can be effective to tackle autism are ginger root, turmeric which are anti-inflammatory and enhances digestion. Other herbs like Ginkgo leaf, Gotu kola leaf, and Calamus root help to improve brain function by reducing anxiety and improving focus. Cow’s ghee has potent medicinal properties and an ayurvedic herb called Mahakalyanaka Ghritam’and Abhaya Ghrita have medicated ghee along with beneficial herbs that are effective Autism remedies.

Every child with autism or the spectrum of autism-related disorders is unique. The first step is to understand the underlying causes and then find the right path of healing. The gates of healing are open and wide. You simply have to take the first step.




Arrest The Epidemic of 4 As- Autism, ADHD, Allergies and Asthma