Is it possible to get intoxicated to foods that you are allergic too? To an uninitiated, it sounds a comical proposition – a science of illogicality.

However, this possibility is more common than you realize. The alcoholics who prefer drinks might be found allergic to any or a combination of the grain, yeast, fruit or alcohols of that drink. All those chain-smokers who finish one or two packs of cigarette in a day might be allergic to one or more components of cigarette smoke. Those coffee drinkers who absolutely require their daily fix of caffeine for proper functioning are at risk of being allergic to the coffee-bean or man-made chemicals used in their production.

Getting drawn to foods that give us allergy

Perhaps, this is how nature works: we are always more drawn towards things that will inevitably harm us. But, this still doesn’t answer the impending question: why do these addictions spring from allergies? Shouldn’t being allergic to them make you less inclined to have them?

The answer lies in the simple fact that a person with allergies has more in common with a drug addict than you realize. A junkie requires the “right dose” at a “certain time” to prevent the symptoms, ironically caused by the drug. Moreover, with the prolonged consumption of the drug, the interval between consumption shortens and the needed doses increase. And lastly, the drug gives immediate relief to withdrawal symptoms. This is also the pattern that an individual with food allergies prescribes to.

A prime example of this is a smoker. The first cigarette brings about dizziness, nausea and a sore throat. However, with the passage of time, the symptoms slowly disappear. The obvious poison has been accepted by our body, but, wait there’s a catch. The symptoms don’t just “disappear” but are only just “masked”.

Understanding food craving- The cycle of reacting, craving and autointoxication

With the help of our glands, our body learns to adjust to living with it. But, this continuous assault on our body has its consequences. In an attempt to prevent the delayed symptoms from coming on full-force, our body now produces cravings to influence for its re-ingestion. Hence, in turn, an addiction is spurred, for the regular intake of the allergens temporarily sabotages the symptoms of withdrawal.

Also, food reactions stress the body. The body responds to the stress by producing endorphins – the happy chemicals, that belong to the opiate family along with morphine. The opiates make us feel good, so we end up craving and consuming more of the same foods to get those addictive, happy chemicals. This sets us up for an addictive cycle of food cravings and reacting to those. The undigested food particles that remain inside the digestive system further cause autointoxication and leaky gut syndrome.

What is autointoxication?

Autointoxication occurs when the toxic substances are produced by the body because of poor digestion and elimination. The undigested remnants of food allergens clog the digestive system and the body gets poisoned by its own waste. Soon this waste impeaches the gut walls and starts circulating in the whole body leading to the leaky gut syndrome.

To know more about indigestion and leaky gut syndrome read our article at

Autointoxication is emerging as a common problem world over. The solution lies in changing the biochemistry of your body by eating food suited for your constitution, following a healthy lifestyle and going in for regular detox programs to cleanse the body of toxins. Autointoxication is the symptom of indigestion which in turn is the root cause of most of the chronic diseases.

Therefore if you feel sleepy soon after eating, have poor bowel movements, suffer from bad breath, feel tired even after full night’s sleep, experience shifting aches and pains, you may have a toxic load sitting within your body. Take timely action before these toxins take hold of your life.