Your life is a reflection of the way you treat your body and mind. Therefore to obtain a blissful response from the body, we need to give the same level of attention to it first. And, the best way to show the attention is to give the body its due privilege to be free, the way it wants to be and experience things that are limited by your vision or understanding.

The best way to let your body and mind relax is by practicing Plavini Pranayama. This simple Pranayama is the easiest way to control your breath and de-stress. In this article, explore the steps to perform Plavini Pranayama, understand its benefits and contraindications.

What is Plavini Pranayama?

Plavini pranayama is a means to regulate Prana or the life force in such a way that the individual’s body is light enough to float. The Sanskrit root of the word ‘Plavini’ or Plu means to float or swim. The main aim behind this Pranayama is to swallow air like a fluid and lighten the body to gain its natural shape so that it can levitate.

In this pranayama, the person consumes air like one consumes water and retains it in the stomach to make it feel bloated so that they can develop a feeling of floating. As the stomach is filled with air, a peculiar sound of drum-like reverberation is produced on tapping the stomach.

Steps to Performing Plavini Pranayama

Sitting Posture for Beginners:


  1. Start with seating yourself either in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana and make sure your posture is one straight line. Focus your awareness in the middle of your eyebrows to help you relax.

  1. Relax your shoulder and undertake normal breathing to familiarize yourself with your breathing pattern. Inhale and exhale for some time until you are comfortable.

  1. Now, take a deep breath through your nostrils. Let it fill your lungs and abdomen like a balloon. Expand your chest to increase inhalation but don’t exert too much pressure.

  1. After complete inhalation, come to the Jalandhar Bandha pose or lock your chin to the chest. Hold the air inside your belly as per your capacity. This will fill your intestine and abdominal organs with air and increase the buoyancy of your body to float.

  1. Slowly release the Jalandhar Bandha pose by bringing your head and exhale the air from the abdomen through your nostril.

  1. This is one round of Plavini Pranayama. Repeat the same for 4 to 5 times.

Plavini Pranayama in Shavasana

  1. Choose a quiet place, take a mat and lay down on your back with your hands and foot resting at 45 degrees.

  1. Start breathing in and out for some time.

  1. Make your lips rounded and start swallowing air through your mouth to abdomen like drinking water.

  1. Hold the air inside your stomach as long as possible. This will make you feel lighter.

  1. Slowly exhale the air out, relax and wait till you feel it has gone out.

  1. Inhale again, once you are relaxed.

  1. This is one complete round of Plavini. Repeat this for 5 rounds.

Benefits of Plavini Pranayama


  • Individuals who practice this pranayama over time can live with the air without the need for food and water for survival for several days
  • It improves blood circulation throughout the body and helps the body to detox free radicals accumulated over time. It also improves the immune function
  • It helps in swimming and floating over the water for a long time
  • It helps the person to feel lighter as it relaxes the airflow and in turn relaxes the mind and brain cells. It improves mental health by controlling the airflow in a relaxed state and reduces mental tension or anxiety
  • When you hold the breath in the stomach, it helps to optimize digestion and get rid of constipation and other digestive issues. It is good for the organs located in the abdominal cavity like the liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas, and kidney
  • It channelizes your inner energy and removes impurities and toxins from the body
  • With complete mastery, you can float on water just like a lotus leaf floats

Precautions and Contraindications for Plavini Pranayama

Always practice this pranayama on an empty stomach or at least 5 to 6 hours after consuming meals. There should not be any obstruction while taking air through the nostril to your stomach. Also, make sure not to go beyond your breath-holding capacity. Each individual has different capacities, so at the beginning stage, undertake this pranayama under guidance.

Avoid doing Plavini Pranayama under the following conditions

  • If you have heart problems, hypertension or are pregnant, be cautious
  • In case of hernia or hydrocele, breath-holding can exert too much pressure
  • Any chronic disease or mental condition, consult with your physician before practicing it

In all, Plavini Pranayama is a great pranayama technique that improves unobstructed breathing and makes you feel lighter. Practice this pranayama in a safe and pure place so as to swallow pure air and exhale out all the impurities and mental stress out of your life.