Two-thirds of the body is water. In order for the proper functioning of organs in your body, adequate water is essential. Without water, your body will be unable to absorb nutrients from the food you consume.

However, research suggests that 96% of people end up drinking water the wrong way due to which they are unintentionally harming their body rather than reaping the benefits from this vital elixir of life. In this article, learn the right way of drinking water.


How to Keep Your Body Dehydrated the Right Way

Just because water is important and beneficial, it doesn’t mean you can drink water whenever you want. There are right ways to drink water so that it works for you and not against you. Here are some tips and pointers to help you drink water the right way:


1. Drinking Water Before and After Meals

Are you gulping down water right before your meals and after you are done? It might seem satisfying to gulp down a glass of water right after you finish a heavy meal. But, according to Ayurveda, drinking water after meals is like slow poison and does not benefit the body.

When we eat, the body’s temperature rises for better digestion. Drinking water right after meals instantly dilutes the gastric juices reducing the body’s ability to digest food. This hampers the digestion process and the body is unable to absorb nutrients and leads to digestive issues of bloating, acidity and gas.

If you are thirsty, by all means just have a mouthful of water and avoid gulping a full glass of water to aid digestion.


2. Do not Chug Down the Water Too Fast

The way you drink the water also makes a huge difference. If you drink water too fast, the body is not in a position to accept and shunts it out through urine. It will still hydrate the body but lead to overhydration. You should sip water slowly at a time taking in a bit of saliva along with it.

Moreover, drinking too much water can also throw off the balance of electrolytes and tends to dilute the amount of sodium in the blood leading to a condition called hyponatremia. So, avoid bottles with a wide mouth and use a glass to sip water throughout the day.


3. Drinking Cold Water

Do you come running back home to grab a bottle of chilled water to quench your thirst? Coldwater does more harm than good. It can constrict the blood vessels, solidifies the fat in the food, decreases heart rate and also aggravates joint pain. It’s best to drink water at room temperature or even have it lukewarm. If you are unable to stay away from cold water during the scorching summers, try using an earthen pot – they naturally chill the water and also balance the pH of water removing the impurities.


4. Drinking Water On the Run

One of the side effects of a busy lifestyle, people tend to drink water while standing, walking or even running. When we drink water in a standing position, the kidney is unable to filter the water properly. Moreover, in this position, the muscles and nervous system are not relaxed and it makes it difficult for the nerves to quickly digest the fluid. It can also lead to a greater accumulation of fluids in your joint and lead to arthritis pain. It’s best to sit down and sip water slowly.


5. When to Drink Water

Whenever you feel thirsty, drink water but refrain from drinking right before or after your meals. Also, it’s recommended to have a glass of water after you wake-up. Referred to as Ushapan in Ayurveda, the composition of the saliva helps to alkalize the body and the morning saliva is said to be the most effective. Consume water in between the meals keeping a gap of at least 30 minutes before and 1 hour after.


6. How Much Water Should You Drink?

There are several studies on how much water you should drink each day and it all depends on your body type, weight, physical exercise, and climate. Besides, the body also gets water from food sources of vegetables and fruits. The best practice is to listen to your body and then determine without sticking to a stipulated amount of water.


7. Which Utensil is the Best?

Drinking water from any utensil is fine, but a copper vessel is recommended to multiply the benefits. Store water in a copper vessel and keep on a wooden surface avoiding direct contact with the earth for at least 4 hours for optimal benefits. Drinking copper- charged water provides immense benefits of boosting immunity, aiding digestion and more. Drinking two to three glasses of water from a copper vessel is an easy way to supply your body with enough trace minerals of copper.

Water is an essential element of life. It can be considered as a panacea only if it is drunk the right way.