One of the major causes of infertility in men is a decrease in sperm count. In medical terms, this condition is called Oligospermia in which semen has a low concentration of sperm or Azoospermia where there is a complete absence of sperm. While there are several ways in which these tiny little swimmers can be kept healthy, adopting natural ways are safer and easier. In this article, we will look at the top causes of low sperm count and natural ways to keep them healthy:

The prime role of Sperms is purely for reproduction and the semen carries them as a vehicle into the female reproductive tract. According to WHO, a normal sperm count is considered as follows:


  • The concentration of sperms should be at least 15 million per ml and 39 million per sample
  • The volume of semen should be 2 ml
  • At least 75% of the sperms should be alive (it is normal for the 25% to be dead), out of which 25-50% should be swimming forward
  • At least 30% of them should be of normal form and shape

The Ayurvedic Perspective on Sperm Count

According to Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic text, sperms should possess the following qualities:

  • Madhur-Swert
  • Guru – Heavy
  • Picchill – Slimy
  • Bahal – Thick
  • Shukla – White color
  • Madhuganti – No peculiar smell

In Ayurveda, a low sperm count is called as Shukranu Alpata and the root cause of it is largely due to irregular food habits, stress, and a disturbed daily routine. All this gives rise to Ama or toxins in the body, causing a blockage in the channels carrying semen. Hence, one of the primary ways to maintain a healthy sperm count is by making effective lifestyle choices.

Symptoms of Low Sperm Quality

  • Subfertility or Infertility
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Dilated veins in the Scrotum
  • Swelling or Pain in the Testicular
  • Thick discharge


Top Causes for Low Sperm Count

  • Sitting for long hours
  • Infections present in the Semen, Prostrate Gland
  • Wearing tight or ill-fitted underpants
  • Bathing in hot water and saunas
  • Obesity and being overweight, especially fat layers sag on testicles lead to low sperm count
  • Frequent ejaculation
  • Smoking and Alcohol
  • Low levels of testosterone
  • Physical and Mental Stress
  • Zinc Deficiency
  • Malnutrition
  • Undescended Testes or Malformed genital organs that affect the tubes carrying sperms
  • Varicose veins around the Testes
  • Consumption of Certain medications and Anabolic Steroids


10 Ways to Keep your Sperm Healthy the Natural Way 

1. Trash the Alcohol and Tobacco

Added to the long list of why you should stop drinking or smoking, the top reason is that it messes with your manhood. It releases toxins into your body and makes the sperms less mobile. In fact, evidence shows that it may even thwart the DNA in your sperm and put you at risk. Fortunately, the damage can be reversed if you simply quit.


2. Better Eating Habits

A  diet rich in easily digestible proteins, natural vegetables, and fruits, nuts and seeds is healthy for your sperm. Reduce caffeine intake, junk food, refined sugars and additives in your diet. Stick to a freshly cooked meal at all times.
Consume foods rich in antioxidants especially Lycopene that is available in Tomatoes, Vitamin C and E and also Zinc-rich foods to have a positive effect. Instead of taking testosterone boosters, try pomegranate seeds for a natural effect. You can also try fenugreek as it has been used as a natural remedy for poor sperm health.

3. Exercise Well

Pair your healthy eating with muscle toning exercises. Hit the gym or do yoga to lose weight and stabilize your hormone levels and naturally boost testosterone levels. Harvard researchers have stated that men who work out more have a 33% higher sperm count.


4. Put down your phones

The success factor of the sperm depends on their swimming speed. To keep them mobile, you must not use your mobiles much because of its electromagnetic waves that impact sperm mobility.


5. De-stress

Too much stress in terms of work and pressure can also impact your sperm. Practice relaxation techniques to keep your mind and body healthy with Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation.


6. Massage or Abhyanga

Stimulate blood circulation by body massaging with herbal oils like Ksheerabala to promote sperm quality.


7. Ayurvedic Supplement to Improve Sperm Count

Potent Ayurvedic herbs can be consumed to provide strength, energy, and stamina. Some of them are Safed Musli, Shilajit, Ashwagandha. Shatavari. Also, the classic combination of milk, ghee, and natural sugars is good for increasing sperm quality.


8.Increase Healthy Fat Intake

Healthy fats like polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 are important for the healthy development of the sperm membrane. Add more foods like ghee, milk, red rice, urad dhal, black raisins, eggs, and fish to your diet. Ancient grains like millet, amaranth, and quinoa are good choices too.


9. Cut down exposure to Plastic and other chemicals in cosmetic items

Men who are exposed to a chemical named Phthalates that are largely found in plastic containers and hair products took 20% longer to produce effective sperms to join the female egg. So, switch to other mediums like glass or steel and use organic cosmetic products.

10. Get Adequate Sleep

A disturbed or lack of sleep can disrupt your body routine, leading to an impairment of semen quality. Get a good night’s sleep to maintain your health.

Infertility is not just a common problem for women, but men are also affected by it. Follow a healthy lifestyle and incorporate the above tips to curb this problem the natural way.

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Infertility Crisis : Causes, Solutions and Ayurveda Perspective