Your body is home to several microorganisms including bacteria, fungus, and yeast. A common type of fungus or yeast is Candida which peacefully co-exists with others when it is in the right balance. However, when you provide it an environment to multiply and go out of control, it can cause health hazards.

Common yeast infections include thrush, candidiasis, vaginal yeast infection, itchy skin and more.  Three out of four women are prone to get a vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime and nearly half will experience them in recurring cases.

Even though yeast infections are so common, many people don’t understand what they are. In this article, understand the causes of yeast infection and the right ways to combating yeast infection naturally.


What is a Yeast Infection?

Candida Albicans is the most common form of Yeast infection that happens due to yeast overgrowth in the body. Candida is a yeast that is present in our bodies in small amounts – oral cavity, digestive tract, gut microbiome, and vaginal tract. Its main function is to aid digestion and nutrient absorption, working in tandem with the good bacteria in the microbiome.

The problem arises when there is too much candida in relation to your body’s good bacteria that it overpowers the bacteria and leads to a leaky gut and a host of other digestive issues. While some have a systemic overgrowth and others have a fatal form where Candida invades the blood. Even a subtle overgrowth of Candida can contribute to a weaker immune system and digestive ailments.

The symptoms of a different kind of yeast infection overlap to a great extent leading to infections in different parts of the body, the vast majority of treating it often lies in your diet.


Symptoms of Yeast Infection

When there is too much yeast in your body, it breaks down the wall of the intestine, leading to leaky gut and releasing toxic byproducts in the body. In addition, it also suppresses the immune system by hampering the production of IgA, the antibody immunoglobulin. Common signs of Yeast Infection are:

  • Brain fog, poor memory, ADHD
  • Poor mental function, mood swings, depression because of the brain-gut connection, suppressing the production of Serotonin in the gut
  • Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Digestive Issues if Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea
  • Skin issues including Eczema, hives, rosacea, rashes
  • Seasonal allergies/Chronic sinus
  • Excessive Dandruff (is yeast)
  • Skin and nail infections including ringworm, athlete’s foot, tinea versicolor ( white spots in the sun), External fungus is often a sign that there is an imbalance in the body as well
  • Sugar and Carbohydrates craving


Common Causes of Yeast Infection

  1. Diet – A diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed food creates an ecosystem for the yeast to thrive. Alcohol and drugs are also problematic
  2. Antibiotics and Medications – A round of antibiotics can kill much of your body’s good bacteria along with the bad ones and create an imbalance in your microbiome. Steroids also tend to cause yeast overgrowth and so can acid-blocking bills. You require enough acid in your stomach to kill bacteria, some yeast and other pathogens in the food.
  3. Oral Contraceptives – Yeast likes high levels of estrogen, so there is a correlation between birth control pills that cause a surge in estrogen.
  4. Stress – A high-stress lifestyle can cause yeast to overpower your microbiome


Diagnosis of Yeast Infection

Following tests can help you uncover your yeast levels in the body:

  • Antibodies – Check for levels of IgG, IgM, IgA antibodies to detect if your immune system is responding to an infection. High levels can indicate yeast outbreak and really low levels can signify that you have a suppressed immune system that is not able to respond
  • Complete Blood Count – A common pattern among patients with Candida overgrowth is a low white blood cell count with high neutrophil and low lymphocyte count
  • Stool Test – This will indicate the type of yeast in your colon and lower intestine
  • Urine Organix Dysbiosis Test – Discovers markers of yeast waste products called d-Arabinitol

Natural Ways to Combating Yeast Infection

1.Starve the Yeast

The first step is to eliminate foods that have yeast in them and foods that yeast like to feed on. This includes high sugar, dairy, carbohydrates. Some doctors even recommend limiting fruits since the sugar in the fruit can feed the yeast.

Keep away from complex carbohydrates as well including bread, pasta, grains, and starchy veggies. The key is to drop these foods for at least a month, to see changes and then add them gradually back in your diet.

In addition, you should also hold off on good fermented foods like sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi until the yeast is killed.

  1. Overpower the Yeast

Anti-fungal supplements like Caprylic acid and Candifense can be effective. However, natural alternatives will also be beneficial. You can incorporate foods like coconut oil, garlic, olive oil, citrus fruits, cinnamon, ginger, apple cider vinegar, cloves, echnicea.

Additionally, boric acid capsules are also used to treat a vaginal yeast infection, thanks to its antifungal properties.

  1. Restore Good Bacteria

Take high-quality probiotics that include the Lactobacillus strain to strengthen the friendly bacterial microbiome and fight yeast. Probiotic foods help replenish the natural gut flora and prevent fungal infections. But, you might want to hold off on prebiotics that tends to feed yeast along with Bacteria, until Candida is under control.

It’s really hard to fight yeast without adjusting your diet. Even if you are taking antifungal medications, you need to keep away from foods that are contributing to its overgrowth for some time.


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