A Case Study 

Mrs. M.P. aged 29 years came to the OPD of Nisargopchar complaining of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome for the past two years. She was suffering from the irregular menstrual cycle, progressive weight gain, hair fall, and hyperpigmentation on her face. Her ultrasonography report showed multiple cysts on her right ovary. At 5’1” she was 15 kg overweight. According to her most of her problems started with her post-pregnancy drastic weight gain.

After the initial consultation, we explained to her the importance of exercises and reduction of belly fat in overcoming PCOS. She agreed to come to the ashram every morning for yoga practices besides taking a brisk walk at home in the evening We also prescribed her customized diet chart to be followed at home for 3 months.

Mrs.M.P. Diet Chart

5.00Am Almonds soaked overnight in water Daily
5.30 Am Lemon +Honey+ Warm Water

(200ml)   (2tsp)    (200ml)

200 ml Daily
7.00Am Tulsi+ Kadha+ Jaggery 200 ml Daily
8.00 Am Palak  +    Mint   +   Corriander Juice (6leaves) (handful)  (handful) 200ml Daily
9.00 Am Fruits+Sprouts/Ragi porridge /

Poha/Upma/Idli etc                           

5 days a week

2 days a week

11.00Am Salads


Fruit(Papaya, Apple, Mosambi/sweet lime)

I bowl

1 nos

1.00 Pm a) 1 jowar Bhakri+ Veggies+   Buttermilk/Curd

b) Rice +Dal+Sabzi

c) Soup+Sabzi+Buttermilk

d) Cheat meal

a)Weekly thrice

b) Weekly twice

c) Weekly once

d)Weekly once

3.00 Pm Lemon Honey Water/Tender coconut Water/Kokum Juice 200ml Daily
5.00Pm Thulsi Kadha with Jaggery 200ml Daily
7.00Pm a)1 Bhakri +Sabzi+Dal

b) Fruits(Papaya/pomegranate/muskmelon)

c) Cheat Meal

a)Weekly 4 times

b)weekly twice

c) weekly once

She was advised to cook her meal in the unrefined oil and avoid eating between meals snacking.

Every week she would come for a follow-up visit to the ashram. In the first month itself, she showed a drastic improvement- her weight reduced by a whopping 8 kg! She further lost 5kg in the second month and 3 kg in the third month –  a total of 16 kg weight reduction in 3 months. Along with weight loss, she experienced an increase in energy levels, self-esteem, and confidence. An ultrasonography done at the end of 3 months showed normal ovaries with no cystic abnormalities. With regular healthy diet, exercises, Yoga, and sound sleeping pattern her hormonal imbalance got corrected and her menstrual cycle became regular. We asked her to continue with her yoga exercises and she happily agreed

The yoga module prescribed for Mrs. M.P.

Surya Namaskar- 12 rounds Upavistakonasana Halasana
Padahastasana Bhujangasana Suptakonasana
Kati chakrasana Dhanurasana Anulomvilom Pranayama
Paschimottasana Uttanapadasana Bhastrika Pranayama
Badhakonasana Sarvangasana Meditation for 10-15 minutes

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is one of the most common endocrine-metabolic disorders seen commonly in women of reproductive ages. The symptoms include amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, excess hair growth on the face, acne, weight gain, and infertility. Insulin resistance also happens to be a major concern with PCOs that brings along comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Further, the drastic changes in the physical appearances may also cause decreased self-esteem, depression and anxiety in the patients.

To know more about PCOS read our article on Top 3 Causes of PCOS 

Treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Naturally

Naturopathic medicine believes in the healing power of the body.  Accumulation of toxins is considered the root cause of all types of chronic ailments. That is why a naturopathic physician focuses on curing the disease by eliminating the root causes.

Naturopathy treatments are based on balancing the five basic elements of nature – Prithvi, Aap, Tej, Vaayu, and Aakash. According to Naturopathy, the disease is a manifestation of a disturbance in the internal environment of the body and hence identifying and eliminating the root causes take a pivotal role.

The aim of the PCOS treatments is to:-

  • Regulate and lower the blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • Decrease the excess male hormones and regulate hormonal activity  thereby reducing issues related to acne, excessive facial hair growth, and hair loss
  • Enhance the production of progesterone.
  • Regularize ovulation, menstruation and improve fertility.
  • Weight loss and regular exercising.

Lifestyle intervention is the first line of treatment in the management of PCOS.  It believes that even minor changes in lifestyle can improve the symptoms and contribute towards psychological well-being.

Unfortunately, the majority of women suffering from with PCOS issues also suffer from obesity and hence it becomes mandatory for these women to take drastic weight control measures including physical exercises, yoga, and dietary changes.

Why is lifestyle modification vital for a cure?

PCOS is a disease associated with unwholesome lifestyle and to overcome this condition, the only lasting solution is to embrace a wholesome lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising regularly. The other way is to stay close to nature and provide the body with all vital nutrients by eating fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Walking, exercising, including yoga, keeping the body hydrated and taking ample rest are also some of the methods for relaxing your body and mind.

Natural Diet

Diet is a key to managing PCOS. Intensive diet modification can help to reduce weight, control insulin and androgen levels.

Diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is recommended. Avoid starving or going for fad diets as these measures lead to a reduction in metabolic rate and eventual weight gain.

  • Include foods rich in complex carbohydrates like whole grains and millets like jowar, bajra and ragi.
  • Have a handful of nuts on a day-to-day basis and also include sprouts and beans in your daily meal for meeting body’s protein requirements.
  • For healthy snacking, eat sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seed, sesame seed and roasted groundnuts.
  • Take curd and buttermilk for your body’s calcium and probiotic requirement. They also help in relieving abdominal bloats.
  • Include more of fruits and salads in the diet.
  • Include fruits that are low in glycemic indexes such as papaya, guava, or apple
  • Drink sufficient water to keep your body hydrated
  • Cut down excessive salt, refined flour, deep fried or oily food items.
  • Avoid aerated drinks as they contain a very high level of sugar and increase the insulin resistance.
  • Increase the intake of healthy fats in your diet up to 20-30 percent of daily calorie intake. Healthy fats such as ghee, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, and nuts provide you with satiety and help you to remain full for a longer period of time.
  • An early and light dinner preferably 3-4 hours before your bedtime is an ideal option.

Physical Exercise

Exercising is very important to have a fit body and a clear mind. It helps in improving the blood circulation, reducing hormonal imbalance and regulating ovulation. The best exercises for PCOS are strength training, cardio, and Yoga.

Strength training helps in improving the muscle strength and bone density. Continuous strength training helps in burning fat and weight reduction thereby lowering insulin resistance.

Yoga is a mind-body medicine and helps in reducing anxiety symptoms associated with PCOS. The practices consist of Asanas (yoga postures), Pranayamas, relaxation techniques and, meditation. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps in weight loss. Asanas like baddhakonasana, upavistakonasana, and suptakonasana help in stretching the pelvic muscles and improve the blood circulation towards the reproductive organs.


Hydrotherapy is the external or internal use of water in any of its forms (water, ice, steam) for the treatment of various diseases. It is one of the naturopathic treatment modality used widely in ancient cultures including India, Egypt, and China.

Treatments like revulsive compress, cold hip bath, cold abdomen pack etc can be given for improving the circulation in the pelvic region.

To treat polycystic ovary syndrome naturally you have to follow a strict regimen.Though the going may be tough it would ensure a lasting solution to your hormonal imbalances.


Ameya Devikar

Dr. Ameya Devikar, BNYS, PGDCR, works as a Principal Naturopath at Nisargopchar Ashram, Uruli Kanchan, Pune. She has more than 8 years of experience in treating chronic conditions and has recently published a book on Nature Cure for Psoriasis.

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