Beauty and anti-aging

Panchakarma: The Ultimate Healing Mechanism

Panchakarma: The Ultimate Healing Mechanism for Body, Mind, and Soul

  How many of you have felt that you need to cleanse and detox your body and mind and start your health and skin care routines afresh? In this busy world, where we spend our time watching…

Arrest hair fall

How to Arrest Hair Fall? - A Comprehensive Guide

Hair fall, thinning of hair, losing a lot of hair can be a cause for concern to many women and men. Hair fall can sometimes be genetic but the main causes are related to the stress level, eating…

How to choose personal care products

A Comprehensive Guide On How To Choose Personal Care Products

We all love to look good and stay healthy. When buying products for our skin or hair we look for something that is soothing, less damaging, promise really good and quick results, the brand name (of…

Adult Acne : causes, remedies and Ayurveda perspective

Adult Acne : Causes, Remedies and Ayurveda Perspective

Acne is not only the problems of teenagers. Adult acne is something that occurs even after you turn 20. Acne can occur after the teenage period and it can be more severe and painful. Research also…

Tackle Cellulite with Ayurveda

Treat Cellulite with Ayurveda - A Complete Guide

  What is cellulite? Cellulite, also known as dimple skin, is normally found in regions such as your hips, buttocks, and thighs. The medical term for cellulite is edematous fibrosclerotic…