Cure Disease

Preventing Breast Cancer

A Holistic Guide to Preventing Breast Cancer

  Breast cancer is the most common cancer in most cities in India, and 2nd most common in the rural areas. Any woman - young or old can get breast cancer irrespective of family history.…

Preventing Age-related Macular Degeneration

Ways to prevent age-related degeneration of the eye

Age-related Macular degeneration or AMD Age-related Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of vision loss. It is a serious condition which causes the deterioration of the central area of…

Potential Dangers of Diabetes Drugs

Are Your Sugar Meds Making You Sick?: Potential Dangers of Diabetes Drugs

What if I told you that oral medications for type 2 diabetes actually do more harm than good? There are several potential dangers of diabetes drugs. Judge for yourself In February 2008, researchers…

Role of Insulin Resistance and Potassium Levels in Hypertension

High Blood Pressure : Link to Insulin Resistance and Potassium Deficiency

Have you checked your blood pressure lately? If not then it is never too late. According to a study in the United States, 1 in every 3 individuals has high blood pressure. 25 percent of the…

Tackling autoimmune diseases

All About Autoimmune Diseases : Causes, Triggers and Susceptibility

  For the past few years, Sheila has been suffering from a string of ailments that has left her puzzled. Initially, she had sore joints, followed by eczema, then came the headaches, combined…