The onset of a new season can be catchy as you make changes to your routine including a revamped diet and a new exercise regime to suit the weather. As you begin to switch gears from the scorchy summer heat to the relatively pleasant season of Autumn, here are some tips that will help you stay healthy during this seasonal change:
Why Bother with a Seasonal Routine?
The outer environment tends to affect your inner state of mind and body. During the summer months, the pitta dosha qualities of heat and fire build up in the body. But as you transition to the crisp autumn environment, the air is cool and dry and the Vata dosha affects the constitution of your body.
Autumn is characterized by elements of dry, rough, windy, erratic, cool, subtle, and clear. These are all qualities dominated by Vata dosha, and because like attracts like, autumn is considered a Vata season.
Therefore, consider these seasonal elements and make changes to your routine by adapting to the changes in the environment.
Ritu Sandhi – When Two Seasons Met
According to Ayurveda, one needs to follow Ritucharya or seasonal dietary recommendations and routine. This will reinforce the good qualities of the season and remove the harmful effects of the seasonal change.
The important point of seasonal change is when the season is in transition during the start of Autumn or the initial two-week period of the change. This is called as Sandhi or junction and Ritu Sandhi is the period that joins two seasons.
Ritu Sandhi occurs during the 2-week period which includes the eight days of the season that is ending and eight more days of the season that is beginning. It is important to take note of this seasonal change and be equipped to get accustomed to the changes.
The Interplay of Pitta and Vata Energies
During the end of summer, Pitta dosha is accumulated in the environment and therefore the norm is to eat cooling and light foods to balance the heat. But as you consume and crave cooler foods, the Vata dosha qualities are also accumulated in the body.
The onset of the Autumn season or the season of Vata Dosha means that we already have accumulated Vata dosha and now need to decrease it. At the end of summer reason, your bodies have accumulated not just Pitta but also Vata dosha.
This is why during the onset of Autumn problems like excess mucous secretion, dry skin, constipation, colds, arthritic pain and a dull state of mind arises. So, how do we take care of this transition and bring the right balance of Pitta and Vata Dosha in your body?
Seasonal Cleanse to Balance the Accumulation of Pitta and Vata Dosha
The transition between summer to Autumn is a great time to detox and cleanse your system to eradicate toxins, impurities and free radicals that your body has accumulated over the end of Summer. A seasonal detox schedule will help to brace yourself with the ongoing changes in the season without getting affected too much.
Vata or Autumn Season Diet
Diet is a powerful way to soothe Vata this autumn. Since vata is characterized by dry qualities, it is important to eat nourishing food with warm, stimulating spices that are served hot. Eating mushy soft foods with a sweet and sour flavor with a healthy dose of ghee and oil is vital.
In general, you should reduce your consumption of raw vegetables, cold and frozen foods, bitter, pungent and astringent tastes. Minimize light and cooling foods gradually as you transition to autumn. Make sure that food is well cooked, soaked and cooked with ghee and healthy oil.
Don’t give in to cravings and eat more as this season usually demands a greater intake of food. Follow the lead of your appetite and digestion.
Lifestyle Choices
Follow a daily routine in your autumn days doing the same things like eating, sleeping, waking up, exercising at roughly the same times of the day. This will help you invoke a sense of balance and calm down your nervous system.
Start your day with a relaxing massage with warm organic oil like sesame or coconut oil and follow it up with a warm bath. Some gentle yoga along with fifteen minutes of meditation will further pacify your anxious state of mind.
Slow Down
An excess of Vata energy in the air can lead to an imbalance. If you are feeling overwhelmed with too much stress and tasks to complete, slow yourself down. This is the season to minimize stress and feed your creativity with soulful activities. Sip warm teas through the day or delicious soups to satiate your hunger pangs, enjoy the pleasant weather and take a break.
Remember that a seasonal routine is vital for health and wellbeing. When you align yourself with the rhythms of nature, you stand to get less affected by the seasonal change.