Experience Bliss
Yoga Nidra: The Ultimate Art of Relaxation and Rejuvenation
After the birth of her child, Aarti suffered from Postpartum Depression. In her case, it was more of insomnia. For 20 days, she did not sleep. Her only savior was Yoga Nidra. She would practice Yoga…
Bhramari Pranayama: The Practice, Health Benefits and Contraindications
Has it ever happened to you that you got so agitated with a person/ situation that you lost your cool? Have you experienced headaches due to noise pollution? Have you experienced loss of…
Yoga can Change your Life: Top 8 benefits of Yoga
Yoga is more important than ever. It can be the antidote for what ails you. According to research, around 90 percent of the doctor’s visits are due to stress-related complaints. Amidst the…
Kapalbhati Pranayama : Practice, Health Benefits and Contra-indications
We are living in a world which is always on the move. While jostling with the pressures of the fast-paced lives we often find ourselves succumbing to fatigue and restlessness. Is there something…
Anulom Vilom Pranayama - Health Benefits and Practice
Meera was not in the best of spirits since past few months. She felt perpetually fatigued and her concentration level had sunk to an all-time low. Hectic work schedule along with lack of sleep and…