Health Benefits of Honey

Elixir of Life: Top 8 Health Benefits of Honey

For ages, honey has been used as a staple, both in food and medicine. The reason is that it is very rich in plant compounds and provides several…

Combating Yeast Infection

Combating Yeast Infection : Causes, Symptoms, and Cure

Your body is home to several microorganisms including bacteria, fungus, and yeast. A common type of fungus or yeast is Candida which peacefully…

The Nutritional Approach to Anxiety and Depression

With over 350 million people suffering from depression and anxiety, Depression is the most common mental illness globally. Conventional medicine…

Face oils

Face Oils are the Best Investment for Your Skin

Face Oils have returned back into shelves and have been popping all over your Social Media feeds now. Turns out, facial oils are in fact totally…

Your mind Governs Your Health

Mind Over Matter: Your Mind Governs Your Health

“Over forty? It is time to fix a date for a mammogram.  The cost has come down for this holiday season from Rs3,950 to just Rs1,750,” reads a…