thyroid affects the health of your skin

Find out how thyroid affects the health of your skin and hair

Skin conditions associated with thyroid problems are very common. Hormones secreted by the thyroid regulate the embryonic development of the skin,…

Nutritional Deficiencies and Type 2 Diabetes

Know All About Nutritional Deficiencies and Type 2 Diabetes

“Don’t focus on how much you eat, focus on what you eat”. When it comes to diabetes, this wise old saying holds great importance. This is because…

Effect of Glucose Vs Fructose Vs Sucrose on Your Body

Effect of Glucose Vs Fructose Vs Sucrose on Your Body

Sugar – It’s sweet and simple right. Well, no there is a lot more to sweet stuff than you think. You might have probably heard of these different…

Boost the Innate Immunity of Your Child with Swarnaprashana

Boost the Innate Immunity of Your Child with Swarnaprashana

Long Long Ago, when there was no western medicine in our land, the very first immunization given to the newborn baby was Swarnaprashana.…

Ketogenic Diet: Health Benefits, Ramifications, and Indian Context

Ketogenic Diet : Health Benefits, Ramifications, and Indian Context

Losing weight, for most people, is a Sisyphean task. Just when you think you are going to reach your goal, you land up having a cheat day and lo…