Solving the weight loss puzzle

Solving the Weight Loss Puzzle: Understanding the Role of BMR, Body’s Set Weight, and Insulin

  Whenever we see a thin-looking person eat a lot, we can hear people saying, “Ah, he/she must have a great metabolism.”A common question might…

Smartphones impact the mental health of teenagers

How Smartphones Impact The Mental Health of Teenagers ?

Seventeen-year-old Riya was grappling with a number of health issues since last few months. She was suffering from insomnia and was perpetually…

Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver - Causes, Types, Symptoms, Prevention and Cure

Non-Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver (NAFL) About the size of a football, the liver is located below the right rib cage. It is one of the largest organs…

Tackle Cellulite with Ayurveda

Treat Cellulite with Ayurveda - A Complete Guide

  What is cellulite? Cellulite, also known as dimple skin, is normally found in regions such as your hips, buttocks, and thighs. The medical…

Top 5 benefits of dietary fiber

Top 5 Benefits of Dietary Fiber: Boost Health and Prevent Chronic Diseases

  In nature, all food items like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains come with fiber, the non-digestible part of the food. This is the nature’s…