changes mother's brain undergoes

Mommy, I Shrunk Your Brain - The Changes Mother’s Brain Undergoes

  Motherhood changes a woman forever. She is no longer the same person as she was before the pregnancy. Not only her body but also her brain…

Adult Acne : causes, remedies and Ayurveda perspective

Adult Acne : Causes, Remedies and Ayurveda Perspective

Acne is not only the problems of teenagers. Adult acne is something that occurs even after you turn 20. Acne can occur after the teenage period and…

Should you take Vitamins and Supplements

Should you to be taking Vitamins and Supplements?

  If a little bit is good for you then more is better. That’s the premise of supplements. Before you pick that bottle of supplements, easily…

Infertility crisis

Infertility Crisis : Causes, Solutions and Ayurveda Perspective

  Infertility crisis is in your face. In the last five years, it has increased by 20 to 30 percent and has started to affect couples living in…

Types of meditation

There is Meditation for Everyone : Different Types of Meditation Practices

Meditation has been practiced in India and other Asian countries for thousands of years. The ancient sages and seers devised many meditation…