Treating Moles, Lesions, and Skin Tags With Ayurveda

Skin lesions and finding new skin lesions can be a cause of stress. Fortunately, most skin lesions are non-threatening and non-cancerous. Most of…

top 5 health benefits of walking

Walk Away to Health: 5 Health Benefits of Walking

Walking is a part of our daily activity. We are doing it since our infancy. But many of us are not doing this enough to reap the health benefits of…

calorie counting

Does Calorie Counting Really Work? A Detailed Analysis

Calorie counting is the new trend among dieters. The Internet is flooded with information on various ways to burn out extra fat from the body.…

Hyperpigmentation and Melasma

Hyperpigmentation and Melasma : Symptoms and Ayurvedic Treatment

  What is Hyperpigmentation? Skin damages can happen to both men and women. Acne scars, sun damage, eczema, flare up’s; are all skin conditions.…

Right Food Combinations

Learn About Right Food Combinations for Maximum Nutrition: An Ayurvedic Guide

There are many dietary theories available in the market with their own take on good food combinations to aid digestion and weight loss. Unlike the…