Difference between Moisturization and Hydration

Difference between Moisturization and Hydration of Your Skin

Water plays a very pivotal role in keeping your skin healthy, smooth, supple and radiant. Both hydration and moisturization, address the importance…

Fat or Carb - The Real Villain In Your Weight Gain

Fat or Carb - The Real Villain In Your Weight Gain

For long, we have always been criticizing fat in our diet, but new research says that it’s carbohydrates that are harmful! Find out whether fat or…

Learn all about the Health Risks of Early Menopause

Learn all about the Health Risks of Early Menopause

Menopause, to put it simply, is a grueling experience for women. And, while the average age at which majority of women go through perimenopausal…

The Process of Maintaining Body Temperature

The Process of Maintaining Body Temperature and What we Learn from it

A close look at the complex systems within our body can inspire awe. Such is the case with the body’s complicated, yet simple temperature regulating…

How Helpful Running is for Health?

Running, the New Fad –How Helpful Running is for Health?

People are starry-eyed about running marathons. They believe running will improve their health and fitness and start out training for a 5Km marathon.…