Baldness/ Alopecia/Hair loss

Hair loss is also known as alopecia refers to the loss of hair from head or body. Hair is an essential part of one’s identity. Humans have 1 to 1.5 lacs of hair on their head. Baldness is one of the causes of psychological distress.

Types of Hair loss


  • Infection of the skin caused by various fungus and bacteria
  • Anaemia
  • Malnutrition
  • Pregnancy
  • Postmenopause
  • Trauma caused by tying the hair very tightly or using rough accessories
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Excessive use of chemicals, as in hair styling products
  • Hereditary factors
  • Cytotoxic drugs used in chemotherapy, steroids, hormonal therapy
  • Psychiatric disorder


  • Hair loss/ patterned hair loss
  • Dandruff
  • Acne
  • Excessive sebum production in the scalp

Treatment in Allopathy

  • Pull test helps to evaluate diffuse scalp hair loss.
  • Pluck test is conducted by pulling hair out “by the roots”.
  • Scalp biopsy to confirm the type of hair loss and cause
  • Daily hair counts 
  • Trichoscopy is a noninvasive method of examining hair and scalp with a handheld microscope.

Based on the reports of these various tests a treatment is planned.

  • Psychological support
  • Using a cover-up like a wig or a hat
  • Tattooing
  • Medical management: minoxidil or finasteride is used with caution and measured dose
  • Alopecia areata may be treated by steroid injections
  • Surgery: follicle transplant, scalp transplant

Ayurveda and Hair loss/Baldness

According to Ayurveda hair is considered as a tissue which uses same nutrition as the bones in the body. Vitiation of pitta causes baldness and premature greying and vitiation of vata dosha makes the hair dry and lifeless.

Treatment of Hair Loss/baldness in Ayurveda

The first step in the treatment of hair loss requires the  identification and correction of the relevant doshas. Panchakarma techniques are used to rectify the vitiated doshas and detox the body of the accumulated toxins.

Panchakarma therapies

Shiroabhyanga uses warm medicated oil to massage the hair. This not only promotes hair growth but also reduces stress and induces deep sleep.

Shirodhara treats stress and relaxes the mind and helps in hair loss caused due to high stress levels.

Shiro Lepa is a herbal paste  made of Triphala, Amalaki and Bhringraj which is applied on the scalp and left over for half an hour and then rinsed using soap nut. This paste helps to promote hair growth.

Diet Modification

Hair food such as green leafy vegetables, dairy products, nuts, coconut, pumpkin seeds, kale, chard and sprouts are excellent for hair growth

Anaemia is a major cause of baldness hence consuming food rich in iron such as dates, prunes and raisins are advised

Nuts are a great source of vitamins E, omega fatty acids and essential minerals hence adding them to your breakfast is beneficial

Indian spices such as curry leaf, pepper and cumin promote hair growth

Consumption of at least 2 to 3 fruit per day before meals is beneficial for regeneration of hair

Lifestyle Modifications

  • Reduce stress, practise yoga, meditation and pranayama for better hair growth
  • Practise dinacharya (ayurveda daily routine), which includes waking up before 6 am, eating the main meal of the day at lunch and going to bed by 10pm. This routine is important in balancing the doshas
  • Getting adequate deep sleep for the rejuvenation of the body and mind help to promote the growth of hair
  • Massage with warm coconut oil with few drops of almond oil or neem oil in case of dandruff, 2 to 3 times a week, preferably oil should be left overnight as this promotes hair growth. Massage oil can be infused with rosemary, lavender or jasmine essential oil for better results.
  • Use natural products and mild herbal shampoos
  • Cultivate the habit of brushing the hair regularly before going to bed as this promoted hair growth
  • Cover the head when exposed to harsh sunlight or pollution as this can hamper hair growth
  • Hair mask promotes hair growth, a paste made up of henna, amla, Triphala, black tea and fenugreek.
  • Avoid brushing the hair when damp, dry the hair naturally and avoid using hair dryers.

Ayurvedic herbs

Bhringraj, Amla, Neem, Reetha, Shikakai, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Aloe Vera and Methi all have proven beneficial in promoting hair growth by improving blood circulation to the hair follicles and strengthening them.  Various concoctions of these herbs can be taken in the form of a tablet or tonic and can also be infused into the oil and applied externally for better results.

Yoga and pranayama for Hair loss/baldness

Some of the asanas helpful in promoting hair growth alleviating pitta dosha are

  • Makarasana (crocodile pose)
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog pose),
  • Uttanasana (standing forward bend pose)
  • Ustrasana (camel pose)
  • Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose)
  • Pawanmuktasana (wind relieving pose)

Kapalbhati pranayama, Bhastrika pranayama and anuloma viloma pranayama are also beneficial in treating baldness

Naturopathy and Hair loss/ Baldness

Nature is a potent source of nutrition and we depend on nature for our existence. Hair is the mirror of our overall health and deficiency of any kind impact the health of our hair. Nutrition has a major role in treating baldness.

Treatment of Hair loss/ Baldness in Naturopathy

The naturopathic treatment concentrates on removing the toxins, correcting nutritional deficiencies, and making right lifestyle choices.


Drink 2 litres of water per day to flush out the toxins followed by powdered psyllium seeds taken with water along with bentonite clay for a powerful colon cleansing followed by green supplements made from juices of grasses, vegetables, roots and water plants as they are rich in micronutrients and minerals and improve the oxygenation of the tissues


  • Omega 3 fatty acids are excellent for promoting hair growth, wild caught cold water fishes are the best. Nuts, flax seeds and chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids as well.
  • Zinc is necessary for the overall health of the hair and a most common reason for hair loss is attributed to zinc deficiency, hence nuts and meats are rich in zinc.
  • Iron-rich proteins like grass-fed beef are really good for hair growth, green leafy vegetables, dates, raisins, prunes, plums, jaggery and sprouted beans are good for treating baldness
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and very essential for the absorption of iron from our diet, hence consuming oranges,  kiwi, sweet lime, papaya and broccoli are advised
  • Pumpkin, sweet potato and kale are rich in vitamin A, which promotes hair growth and promotes the production of sebum that conditions the hair
  • Egg yolk is rich in biotin which prevents breakage of hair shaft due to brittleness and dryness
  • Bone broth is rich in proteins, gelatine, collagen, chondroitin and many minerals and promotes the growth of a healthy mane
  • Refined sugar, processed food, caffeine and alcohol build up toxins in the body and are responsible for hair loss

Lifestyle modifications

  • Meditation and pranayama de-stress the mind and rejuvenates the body have proven beneficial in promoting hair growth
  • Substance abuse should be avoided as much as possible
  • Regular exercise and yoga is beneficial to maintain an ideal weight and metabolism
  • It is advised not to have a hair shower too often unless too oily and dirty, as it can wash off the natural conditioner produced by the sweat glands leaving a dry and flaky scalp.
  • Warm shower preserves the natural temperature which is protective than too hot or cold shower

Botanical herbs

  • Saw palmetto extracts prevent hair thinning and help in regeneration of the hair
  • Ginkgo biloba strengthens the hair shaft and promote its growth
  • Gooseberry, Jostaberry and Lingonberry have anti-inflammatory properties and promote hair growth
  • Rosemary oil, peppermint oil, Sage oil, Spikenard oil enhances hair growth and strengthens the hair shaft.

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