The COVID-19 outbreak has led many people to engage in social distancing to contain the spread of illness. Quarantine is recommended in cases when an individual has been exposed or potentially exposed to others with the virus.  

Whether it is voluntary quarantine or involuntary quarantine, it is not easy to handle the period of isolation. The isolation, even though temporary, leaves people cut off and can have grave consequences on both their physical and mental wellbeing.

People who are subject to quarantine are exposed to a range of feelings, including fear, confusion, stress, anger, depression, irritability, and more. Eventually, this leads to a burnout leading to emotional exhaustion – what is known as Quarantine fatigue.


Why are We Experiencing Quarantine Fatigue?

Humans are social creatures and need to be connected to survive. With social distancing norms here to stay for a long time, returning to normalcy is still a long way to go. Even though the government has now imposed ease of restrictions, the virus is still amidst us. Therefore, we still need to think twice before stepping out of the home.


This unprecedented scenario inevitably brings a lot of anxieties with it. It can be due to many reasons. One is that everyone is experiencing so much change and unpredictability, especially financial difficulties adding to the woes. The extra demands of getting through the tasks of the day now that parents have to double up working from home and attending to children at the same time add up to an exhausting schedule. 


In simple words, our mind is always in a crisis mode that it becomes too difficult to sustain. Eventually, the dust settles and reality sets in, leading to physical and mental fatigue. Every individual experience quarantine fatigue differently, but one thing is for sure – it is vital to have healthy ways to beat fatigue. With that in mind, here are some pointers to help you deal with quarantine fatigue:


Ways to Overcoming Quarantine Fatigue 


  • Establish Routines


The disruption in your regular routine can be a big challenge. Structure your time with a routine to follow a direction during tough times. The body likes routine and this will help you adjust accordingly. Incorporate schedules of physical activity, eating nutritious food, taking a nap, going to sleep, and waking at the same hour each day. However, don’t get too wrapped up in sticking to a strict routine all the time.



  • It’s Normal to Feel Off


How many times have you dealt with isolation? Never is the answer for many. So it makes sense that you are learning to adjust to the new normal. So you are allowed to feel angst and acknowledge your worries. It’s OK to feel a bit off, so give yourselves some time for a while, recognize your fears, and adapt accordingly.



  • Don’t Succumb to Pressure


Don’t set unrealistic expectations or put relentless pressure on yourself. Do what you really got to do like basic hygiene, domestics, and organize kids. Whenever you hear yourself saying “I Should” question its validity. And if it’s not necessary, let it go.



  • Combat Frustration and Boredom


Remember that an empty mind is like a devil’s workshop. Keep yourself occupied working on projects that fascinate you, trying out a new hobby, learning a new language, and more. Getting things done will provide a sense of purpose and competency. It will give you a chance to look forward to each day.



  • Stay Informed Not Overwhelmed


There is no need to stay tuned to news 24/7 to have access to accurate information regarding the disease. There are other media to obtain accurate information. Rather than being hooked to news channels that can breed negativity, divert your mind by doing other productive activities.



  • Communicate


Stay in touch virtually if not physically with your loved ones and family to minimize the sense of isolation. Check-in with friends to see if they need help to cope with stress or join a support group. Talking with others who are going through the same situation can provide a sense of community and compassion.



  • Drink Water


Last but not least, drinking water is a great way to relieve fatigue. So, keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day to alleviate stress.


Quarantine and social distancing is a necessary evil to combat the COVID-19 outbreak. Conquer quarantine through the above measures and stay safe.